best free web hosting

10 Best Free Web Hosting & Domain Providers 2022

10 Best Free Web Hosting Providers In India 2022: What is the best free web hosting, How to get the best web hosting for free.

Hey, Are you looking for free website hosting? Is free website hosting good? Yes, it is good but does not work in the long run. If you want to create a testing website, you don’t want to invest any money, and want to run a site for a short while, then free website hosting will absolutely work.

Now, you might be worrying about what are the 10 best free website hosting. So, we are recommending some free web hosting sites on the basis of deep research by our team members. First, let’s understand Web Hosting in detail.

Having your own website on the Internet is a big deal. There are many things to keep in mind and know in order to open your website. The most important thing to run a website is domain name and hosting. Although many people do not know about hosting, due to which they often choose the wrong hosting method.

What to Look for Before Taking Best Web Hosting?

There are a few things to keep in mind before buying web hosting for your website.  These things include Bandwidth, Disk Space, Uptime, Customer Services, etc. We featured the top 10 best free web hosting providers below. Have a look at all & consider the best hosting for you among the 10 best free web hosting. Those 10 best Web Hostings are absolutrly for free, you never charged for any services, or no card required to activate.

10 Best Free Web Hosting In India

Now, you might be worrying about what are the 10 best free website hosting. So, we are recommending some free web hosting sites on the basis of deep research by our team members.

First, let’s understand Web Hosting in detail. (remember these websites are free so they have their own limitations like ads, no email address, low bandwidth, low disk space).

1. Bandwidth and Disk Space

Bandwidth and disk space are the most important factors for any site. Where your site’s data is stored on the disk space, the amount of people that can access that data at once depends on the bandwidth.

The higher the disk space, the more data we can store (such as audio, video, text, etc.). It is like the memory of the mobile, the higher the capacity, the more data storage facility will be available.

Whereas the higher the bandwidth, the more people can visit the site simultaneously i.e. access the data.  Because data is spent in fulfilling the request of the visitor.

If the bandwidth is low and the traffic on the site increases, then the site is down.  In this way the visitors are not able to visit the site.

2. Uptime

Uptime is the period of time that a system is available in a working and reliable operating manner.  It is an indication of the stability and reliability of the operating system, and of the infrastructure calculations.

A system that has a high uptime will also have a low downtime and the other way around.

Uptime is generally the most important  for a site, online service or web based provider  expressed as a percentage such as ’99.9%’.  

For example a 99.9% uptime is equal to 43 minutes and 50 seconds of downtime.

3. Customer Service

Every hosting company says that they provide 24×7 customer service.  But  it was not like that.  Whatever hosting service I use, Hostgator gives the best customer service.  For Godaddy’s customer service, you have to talk on the phone itself, which is not free.

4. Type of Web Hosting

There  are many types of web hosting, we will only discuss those which are being used the most. So  there are 3 main  types of web hosting

1) Shared web hosting

2) VPS (Virtual Private Server)

3) Dedicated hosting

5. Operating System

You have two options while buying hosting.  One is Linuxur second isWindows.  Have you ever thought about the difference between the two?  You can use any of the two hostings, but Windows hosting is a bit expensive.  Linux is an open source operating system, so that is why you do not have to pay money to the hosting company to use it.  That’s why it is cheap.

Top 10 Free Web Hosting of 2021  

Here’s a rundown of Top 10 Free Web Hosting Providers in 2021. These made it to our list, by performing many checks and a wide rummaging process.

  1. 000Webhost
  3. EzyWebs   
  5. Wix   
  6. Site123   


000webhost has been providing free hosting services since 2007 and has proved its competence for a long enough duration that it does not have a mere customer base, it rather has a fan base. After its partnership with Zyro they are providing an amazing website builder also.

The free of cost plans offered by 000webhost allows you to have a basic website for your business or portfolio or the next project that you want to try. Though it is free, you will never feel shortage of any functionality except for the domain name.

The paid plans offer single shared hosting, premium shared hosting and business shared hosting. You can choose one according to your requirement at a later stage when you are ready to pay.

So, if you want something more, you can always go for their paid plans.

  • Storage: 1GB Disk Space
  • Domain:Free Subdomain
  • Bandwidth: 10Gb
  • FTP & File Manager: Free
  • Website builder: yes
  • eCommerce Support: Yes
  • Ad display: No
  • Support: Email & Live Chat
  • Paid Plans Pricing: $2.15/mo


Started in 2003 as an HTML hosting provider, AwardSpace has garnered quite a reputation in the world of free web hosting service providers. Most people choose AwardSpace because of the popularity of its free hosting as it is beginner friendly with an extremely easy-to-use control panel.

If you have just one website and are unsure of the platform then you must go for AwardSpace. Their free hosting provides 1 GB of storage. This gives you a good opportunity to not have any worries in the starting phase of your business. If you ever want to try their paid plans, then they have a 30-days money back guarantee also, in case you don’t like it.

With their free hosting plan they provide:

  • Year of Establishment: February 2003
  • Storage: 1GB
  • Domain: Hosting for 1 domain and 3 subdomains
  • Bandwidth: 5GB
  • Email: 1 email account
  • Website builder: yes
  • eCommerce Support: No
  • Paid Plans Pricing: $5.83/mo
  • Ad display?: No
  • Support options: Yes, ticketing system (response time is less than 30 minutes for free customers)


With free hosting, EzyWebs also offers hundreds of customisable templates to design your professional website. If you are a small business owner or you want to build your online portfolio then this is a one stop solution for all your needs. The functionality to embed Youtube, Facebook and twitter plugins will benefit you the most.

You can start with free hosting right away and choose to opt for a paid plan later on. The only downside with the free hosting is the scarcity of space which is just 50 MB.

  • Year of Establishment: 2014
  • Storage: 50MB
  • Domain: Yes, with annual plan
  • Bandwidth: Not Specified
  • Email: no
  • Website builder: yes
  • eCommerce Support: Yes
  • Paid Plans Pricing: $5.95/mo
  • Ad display?: No
  • Support Options: Yes, Ticket or Facebook Message. offers all the features that are required to make a beautiful and powerful website. Popular CMS such as WordPress and Joomla are also available to be installed in the free hosting. The best thing is the website builder which is very easy to use and offers amazing themes. You do not even need technical expertise to build a website with

An appalling reason to choose is their commitment towards climate change. All the servers are run on green electricity generated using wind power. is providing free domain name registration with extension. Therefore, you can have a fully functional website running like a horse without spending a single penny.  is a green web hosting provider, i.e. all their web site hosting operations are powered by 100% renewable green energy from wind power.  So, if you are concerned about the ecology, free web page hosting plan could be a right choice for you.

  • Year of Establishment: 2008
  • Storage: 1GB Disk Space
  • Domain: 3 free domains at
  • Bandwidth: 5GB Bandwidth
  • Email: 1 email account
  • Website builder: yes
  • eCommerce Support: No
  • Paid Plans Pricing: $4.95/mo
  • Ad display?: No
  • Support Option: Ticket System

Wix is the first choice for the beginners and those who do not want to dive into the technicalities of website development. It works in the same manner as the free hosting of wordpress but has more powerful tools such as drag and drop website builder which will never make you feel the lack of anything.

Wix hosts your data, even for free hosting, on global Content Delivery Network (CDN) which allows them to maintain 99% uptime for their websites. Wix is an ideal place if you want to start blogging.

If you’re looking to start an online business soon, Wix is the place to start.

With Wix, over 100 million sites have found their niche online, so rest assured that you can count on them to provide you with a quality product.

  • Year of Establishment: 2006
  • Sites Hosted: 100 million plus
  • Storage: 500MB
  • Domain: subdomain
  • Bandwidth: 500MB Bandwidth
  • Email: no
  • Website builder: yes
  • eCommerce Support: No
  • Paid Plans Pricing: $8.50/mo
  • Ad display?: Yes
  • Support: Yes, Email Support


Site123 uses advanced Content Delivery Network by hosting your website data across hundreds of servers so the visitor gets delivered the content nearer to their location.

The best thing about choosing Site123 is their website builder which is not only loaded with tons of functionality but also keeps a log of changes so that you can revert back to any point in history without much ado.

Security is one such aspect of a website which should never be overlooked. Site123 spends a great deal on providing security with powerful firewalls.

The site primarily caters to small businesses that want to be up and running in the shortest possible time.

  • Year Establishment: 2016
  • Storage: 500MB
  • Domain: Yes, with annual plan
  • Bandwidth: 1GB
  • Email: yes
  • Website builder: yes
  • eCommerce Support: Yes
  • Paid Plans Pricing: $9.80/mo
  • Ad display?: No
  • Support: Yes, Email Support

Outside India, is giving tough competition to the likes of Microsoft and Salesforce.


With Zoho you can easily make amazing websites in a matter of minutes. The customer base of Zoho is as big as 25 million customers and it is serving websites from all niches.

Extensive use of cloud-based technology makes the loading of websites faster and smoother. Zoho is also offering video support that include tutorials for common problems faced by users.

Almost all social media tools, especially google tools, can be integrated with your zoho site in a snap of a finger. If you are an e-commerce platform then this should be your first choice.

Zoho guarantees that the service will be free forever, so you won’t be asked to pay unless you want to upgrade.

In its free plan, Zoho offers unlimited pages, unlimited galleries, and unlimited slides.  They also provide custom domain integration for free, which only few free hosting providers provide.

  • Year of Establishment: 1996
  • Storage: Unlimited
  • Domain:Custom Domain Hosting
  • Bandwidth: Unlimited
  • Email: no
  • Website builder: No
  • eCommerce Support: No
  • Paid Plans Pricing: $7.50/mo
  • Ad display?: No
  • Support Option: Yes

50 Webs

If you are a start-up and looking for space to test your network then this is the best choice for you which offers you no-risk free website hosting plan. The in-house control panel is the most focused point when one talks about 50webs.

There are no banner ads on freely hosted websites on 50webs. This means the only thing visible on your web page is your brand and nothing else.

If you want to upgrade your plan for longer terms then 50webs offers cheapest plans in the market. From WordPress to Magento, all platforms work without any fault on 50webs servers. They are also offering flexible plans on a month-to-month hosting basis.

This is by far the largest free hosting service provider that has supported, and that is why 50webs has made it to this list.

Their free plan ensures 5MB disk space with 500MB monthly traffic.  Combine this with 10 domains and no banner ads, and 50 Webs becomes the ultimate free web hosting destination.

  • Year of Establishment: 2004
  • Hosted sites (claimed): Over 40,000 hosting accounts
  • Storage: 500MB
  • Domain: 10
  • Bandwidth: 500MB
  • Email: 100 Emails
  • Website builder: No
  • eCommerce Support: No
  • Paid Plans Pricing: $3.00/mo
  • Ad display?: No
  • Support Options: Yes, Email Support


This is the most preferred option by professionals nowadays. 5GBfree as the name says is offering 5GB of space with no strings attached. The facilities and tools provided by them cannot be matched by any of the competitors.

They provide the most consistent speed over their networks so you are very less likely to experience any downtime.

Judging from the number of queries that they receive; the response time is commendable. Whether you have a paid plan or going with a free website hosting plan, they never treat you differently. 5GBFree treats all customers equally which shows their high business ethical standards.

The place has a new entrance, it does not shy away from offering many facilities for free.  For starters, they allow your custom domain to be linked to your account, unlike many free hosting providers that only let you host on a subdomain.  

Here’s what they’re offering on their free plan

  • Year of Establishment: 2011
  • Storage: 5GB
  • Domain: 1 add-on and 1 parked domain
  • Bandwidth: 20GB
  • Email: no
  • Website builder: yes
  • eCommerce Support: 1-Click Install
  • Paid Plans Pricing: $2.95/mo
  • Ad display?: Yes
  • Support Options: Forums


The free plan offered by Jimdo carries a very large number of features which can never be matched by the others. This makes it the first choice for professional and business start-ups to establish their presence over the internet.

The scalability at a cheaper price provided by Jimdo is ideal for the future of your business. The tools and resources offered will enable you to launch your website without wasting a dime. All that you need is organised at one place and ready for you to just say ‘Yes’.

Jimdo was born in 2007 after the founders received feedback from people saying they could build their own website.

What sets Jimdo apart from other drag and drop website tools is that their editor is intuitive to use and less cluttered to use.

  • Year of Establishment: February 19, 2007
  • Sites Hosted: Over  15 Million
  • Storage: 500MB
  • Domain: subdomain
  • Bandwidth: 2GB Bandwidth
  • Email: yes
  • Website builder: yes
  • eCommerce Support: No
  • Paid Plans Pricing: $9.00/mo
  • Ad display?: No
  • Support Option: Yes


Here are some Frequently asked questions on free web hosting sites. Hope these will resolve your queries as well.

1. Free Hosting Good?

For personal use and short term projects, yes!  But if you want solid hardware, customer support and access to the best features for your website, choose a paid web hosting service provider.

2. Free Hosting Displays Ads?

Not all sites are hosting sites like SITE123,, Jimdo, etc. Which are ad-free.

3. Is Free Web Hosting Secure?

A free web hosting site can be vulnerable if it provides all the best features for free or asks for your account details on a free service.  Be careful!

4. What is the Cheapest (Low Price) Way to Host a Website?

Hosting a website in a pocket-friendly way is always the top choice BluehostOne of the best web hosting sites starting from $2.95/month that offers 1 website, free domain for 1 year, free SSL certificate and 50 GB SSD  Provides storage.

5. Which is the Best Free Web Hosting Site?

Wix If looking for a free web hosting site so far, then it is the best option to rely on.


Remember, web hosting is the backbone of a website, it is really necessary to choose a premium quality web host (if you are serious about blogging).

I hope this guide has helped you in choosing the best web host of good quality. We collect the data of these 10 best free Web Hosting providers from various sources. After particular research, we made this article for your favor. Share this guide in social media using social buttons to spread the knowledge.


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