raid shadow legends tier lists

Raid Shadow Legends Tier Lists 2023

Raid Shadow Legends Tier Lists: What Is Raid Shadow Legends Tier? How Many Tiers Are In Raid Shadow Legends Game?

Raid Show Legends is Roleplaying, fantasy theme game. Players take the role of an ancient Telerian whose mission is to defeat the Dark Lord. This sounds more like a war game, where one can have single-player, multiplayer games, along with clan games. Increasing the Tier is the major achievement in Raid Show Legends.

Tier increases as the game proceeds and players grab all the stuff, and unlock new levels. These Tiers are ranked from Tier S to Tier F, players will get these tiers depending upon their performance.

raid shadow legends tier lists 2021

Here in this article, we are providing you with the Best Tiers list. But before we begin with the Raid: Shadow Legends tier list, we need to understand how exactly the champions are categories. There are 4 main things to consider. They are,

1. Faction

There are thirteen factions in Raid: Shadow Legends,

  1. Banner Lords (BL)
  2. High Elves (HE)
  3. The Sacred Order (SO)
  4. Barbarians (BA)
  5. Ogryn Tribes (OT)
  6. Lizardmen (L)
  7. Skinwalkers (SW)
  8. Orcs (O)
  9. Demonspawn (DS)
  10. Undead Hordes (UH)
  11. Dark Elves (DE)
  12. Knight Revenant (KR)
  13. Dwarves (DW)

2. Rarity

There are 5 rarities,

  1. Legendary
  2. Epic
  3. Rare
  4. Uncommon
  5. Common

3. Role

There are four roles to play in this game,

  1. Attack (Att)
  2. Defense (Def)
  3. HP
  4. Support (Sup)

4. Affinity

There are four affinities which offer unique advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Strength (Str) – Strong towards Magic and weak for Spirit.
  2. Spirit (Sp) – Strong towards Strength and weak for Magic.
  3. Magic (M) – Strong towards Spirit and weak for Strength.
  4. Void (V) – No proper data available.

Different Tiers in Raid Shadow Legends

A proper list of All Tiers in Raid Shadow Legends is discussed below,

S-Tier: Characters with this tier are capable of clearing the difficult levels with ease. Most powerful clans have players from this tier only. If you come across the S-Tier for sure he is a legendary player.

A-Tier: The characters with this tier are not as overpowered as the S-Tier players, but they are definitely just a few steps behind them. If you come across an A-Tier you can treat them equally as S-Tier players.

B-Tier: B-Tier characters are just as the letter B suggests they are Better, and are almost above average when compared to many other low ranking tiers. There are so many champions with B-Tier in the game. You can use these characters to reach the advanced tier characters for sure!

C-Tier: These characters are just average. If you want to master the levels these will be helpful! It’s not unlucky to have them on board, you can also join them on your clan as supporting players because their skills are almost as that of B-Tier players.

D-Tier: Well you can put this tier as below average one. If you want these people on board, it is sure that they should be trained enough to sharpen their skills and increase their performance.

F-Tier: To put it simply these are the characters that one should avoid. F-Tier are considered to be the weakest tiers of all..!

Raid: Shadow Legends All Tier List – Champions

This Tier List Consists of All the Champions till April 2023, grouped under 5 rarities, we did this to make it easy for you to browse.   

1. Raid Shadow Legends Tier List – Legendary Champions

Tier-S Legendary Champions

  • Arbiter | High Elves and also Support & Void
  • Bad el Kazar | Undead Hordes and also Support & Force
  • Big ‘Un | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Magic
  • Dracomorph | Lizardmen and also Attack & Magic
  • Duchess Lilitu | Demonspawn and also Support & Spirit
  • Krisk the Ageless | Lizardmen and also Defense & Void
  • Lydia the Deathsiren | Demonspawn and also Attack & Void
  • Lyssandra | High Elves and also Support & Spirit
  • Ma’Shalled | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Spirit
  • Martyr | Sacred Order and also Defense & Spirit
  • Nethril | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Spirit
  • Raglin | Banner Lords and also Support & Void
  • Siphi the Lost Bride | Undead Hordes and also Support & Void
  • Turvold | Barbarians and also Attack & Void
  • Urost the Soulcage | Demonspawn and also Health & Void
  • Ursuga Warcaller | Barbarians and also Health & Void
  • Valkyrie | Barbarians and also Defense & Spirit
  • Venus | Sacred Order and also Support & Void
  • Warlord | Orcs and also Support & Void
  • Zavia | Dark Elves and also Attack & Force

Tier-A Legendary Champions

  • Abbess | Sacred Order and also Attack & Force
  • Altan | Barbarians and also Defense & Magic
  • Angar | Orcs and also Health & Void
  • Belanor | High Elves and also Attack & Void
  • Blind Seer | Dark Elves and also Support & Void
  • Bloodgorged | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Force
  • Brakus the Shifter | Skinwalkers and also Attack & Force
  • Candraphon | Demonspawn and also Attack & Force
  • Cillian the Lucky | Banner Lords and also Attack & Magic
  • Cruetraxa | Demonspawn and also Attack & Void
  • Cupidus | Sacred Order and also Attack & Spirit
  • Foli | Dark Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Fu – Shan | Lizardmen and also Attack & Force
  • Ghostborn | Dark Elves and also Support & Spirit
  • Gurgoh the Augur | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Void
  • Harvest Jack | Undead Hordes and also Health & Spirit
  • Inithwe Bloodtwin | Demonspawn and also Attack & Void
  • Khoronar | Skinwalkers and also Health & Void
  • Lanakis the Chosen | Dark Elves and also Support & Magic
  • Longbeard | Skinwalkers and also Attack & Magic
  • Maulie Tankard | Dwarves and also Support & Spirit
  • Minaya | Banner Lords and also Support & Force
  • Prince Kymar | Demonspawn and also Support & Magic
  • Rae | Dark Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Rhazin Scarhide | Lizardmen and also Defense & Force
  • Robar | Orcs and also Attack & Force
  • Roshcard the Tower | Sacred Order and also Health & Magic
  • Rotos the Lost Groom | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Magic
  • Royal Huntsman | High Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Saito | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Magic
  • Scyl of the Drakes | Barbarians and also Defense & Magic
  • Septimus | Banner Lords and also Attack & Spirit
  • Sethallia | Banner Lords and also Support & Magic
  • Shamrock | Ogryn Tribes and also Support & Spirit
  • Sir Nicholas | Sacred Order and also Health & Void
  • Skartorsis | Undead Hordes and also Support & Force
  • Soulless | Knight Revenant and also Defense & Void
  • Suzerain Katonn | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Spirit
  • Tomb Lord | Knight Revenant and also Support & Spirit
  • Tormin the Cold | Dwarves and also Defense & Void
  • Tyrant Ixlimor | Demonspawn and also Health & Magic
  • Visix the Unbowed | Dark Elves and also Defense & Void
  • War Mother | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Magic

Tier-B Legendary Champions

  • Astralith | Dark Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Baron | Banner Lords and also Attack & Void
  • Basileus Roanas | High Elves and also Attack & Force
  • Black Knight | Banner Lords and also Health & Force
  • Bystophus | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Force
  • Crypt -King Graal | Undead Hordes and also Support & Magic
  • Drexthar BloodTwin | Demonspawn and also Defense & Force
  • Drokgul the Gaunt | Ogryn Tribes and also Support & Spirit
  • Elder Skarg | Barbarians and also Attack & Force
  • Elegaius | Undead Hordes and also Support & Magic
  • Elenaril | High Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Errol | Sacred Order and also Attack & Force
  • Grohak the Bloodied | Orcs and also Attack & Magic
  • Hakkorhn Smashlord | Skinwalkers and also Health & Magic
  • Hegemon | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Void
  • Ignatius | Ogryn Tribes and also Defense & Magic
  • Ithos | High Elves and also Attack & Void
  • Kantra the Cyclone | Barbarians and also Defense & Force
  • Kreela Witch – Arm | Orcs and also Support & Magic
  • Little Miss Annie | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Void
  • Lord Champfort | Banner Lords and also Health & Magic
  • Lord Shazar | Demonspawn and also Attack & Spirit
  • Lugan the Steadfast | Banner Lords and also Health & Spirit
  • Mortu-Macaab | Demonspawn and also Health & Spirit
  • Mountain King | Dwarves and also Attack & Force
  • Narma the Returned | Knight Revenant and also Support & Magic
  • Norog | Skinwalkers and also Defense & Magic
  • Queen Eva | Dark Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Richtoff the Bold | Banner Lords and also Attack & Spirit
  • Shirimani | High Elves and also Support & Force
  • Teela Goremane | Orcs and also Support & Magic
  • Thea the Tomb Angel | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Force
  • Tundra Gilt Mallet | Dwarves and also Attack & Magic
  • Vergumkaar | Lizardmen and also Support & Spirit
  • Vizier Ovelis | Dark Elves and also Attack & Force
  • Warchief | Skinwalkers and also Defense & Force
  • Wurlim Frostking | Knight Revenant and also Defense & Void
  • Yannica | High Elves and also Attack & Spirit

Tier-C Legendary Champions

  • Gurptuk Moss-Beard | Ogryn Tribes and also Support & Force
  • Skull Lord Var-Gall | Lizardmen and also Defense & Force

2. Raid Shadow Legends Tier List – Epic Champions

Tier-S Epic Champions

  • Archmage Hellmut | Banner Lords and also Support & Magic
  • Madame Serris | Dark Elves and also Support & Void
  • Miscreated Monster | Knight Revenant and also Health & Magic
  • Peydma | Demonspawn and also Defense & Void
  • Sinesha | Knight Revenant and also Support & Force
  • Stag Knight | Banner Lords and also Support & Spirit
  • Tayrel | High Elves and also Defense & Magic

Tier-A Epic Champions

  • Alure | Demonspawn and also Attack & Magic
  • Aothar | Sacred Order and also Attack & Force
  • Basher | Skinwalkers and also Attack & Void
  • Battlesage | High Elves and also Support & Void
  • Cagebreaker | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Spirit
  • Doom Priest | Knight Revenant and also Support & Force
  • Exemplar | High Elves and also Attack & Void
  • Ghrush the Mangler | Ogryn Tribes and also Defense & Spirit
  • Golden Reaper | Knight Revenant and also Support & Void
  • Gorgorab | Undead Hordes and also Support & Magic
  • High Khatun | Barbarians and also Support & Spirit
  • Infernal Baroness | Demonspawn and also Defense & Force
  • Juliana | Sacred Order and also Attack & Magic
  • Lightsworn | Sacred Order and also Defense & Void
  • Lua | Dark Elves and also Attack & Void
  • Luria | Dark Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Maneater | Ogryn Tribes and also Health & Void
  • Nazana | Demonspawn and also Health & Force
  • Oathbound | Banner Lords and also Defense & Force
  • Rearguard Sergeant | Dwarves and also Defense & Force
  • Reinbeast | Skinwalkers and also Defense & Force
  • Romero | Sacred Order and also Defense & Force
  • Royal Guard | High Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Seeker | Undead Hordes and also Defense & Magic
  • Sepulcher Sentinel | Knight Revenant and also Defense & Force
  • Skullcrown | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Void
  • Skullcrusher | Ogryn Tribes and also Defense & Force
  • Steelskull | Skinwalkers and also Support & Spirit
  • Thenasil | High Elves and also Support & Force
  • Tuhak the Wanderer | Orcs and also Attack & Void
  • Vergis | High Elves and also Defense & Spirit
  • Vrask | Orcs and also Health & Spirit
  • Warden | Dark Elves and also Defense & Spirit
  • Zargala | Orcs and also Attack & Force

Tier-B Epic Champions

  • Atur | Barbarians and also Health & Magic
  • Baerdal Fellhammer | Dwarves and also Attack & Void
  • Bloodfeather | Orcs and also Attack & Force
  • Captain Temila | Dark Elves and also Health & Magic
  • Cardinal | Sacred Order and also Support & Void
  • Crimson Helm | Dark Elves and also Defense & Spirit
  • Crypt Witch | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Magic
  • Dark Athel | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Magic
  • Dark Elhain | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Magic
  • Defiled Sinner | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Force
  • Delver | Dark Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Erinyes | Demonspawn and also Attack & Force
  • Excruciator | Demonspawn and also Attack & Magic
  • Fang Cleric | Dark Elves and also Support & Spirit
  • Fayne | Skinwalkers and also Attack & Spirit
  • Fenax | Sacred Order and also Attack & Spirit
  • Galkut | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Spirit
  • Grimskin | Ogryn Tribes and also Defense & Magic
  • Grizzled Jarl | Dwarves and also Defense & Magic
  • Hellgazer | Demonspawn and also Attack & Spirit
  • Hope | Sacred Order and also Health & Magic
  • Hordin | Banner Lords and also Attack & Magic
  • Husk | Undead Hordes and also Health & Force
  • Jarang | Lizardmen and also Attack & Magic
  • Jareg | Lizardmen and also Health & Magic
  • Jinglehunter | High Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Jizoh | Lizardmen and also Defense & Spirit
  • Kaiden | Dark Elves and also Defense & Magic
  • Kallia | Barbarians and also Attack & Force
  • Karam | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Force
  • Lady Etessa | Sacred Order and also Attack & Force
  • Lich | Undead Hordes and also Defense & Force
  • Luthiea | High Elves and also Attack & Force
  • Marksman | High Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Mausoleum Mage | Undead Hordes and also Support & Force
  • Mistress of Hymns | Sacred Order and also Support & Spirit
  • Necrohunter | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Magic
  • Psylar | Dark Elves and also Support & Void
  • Relickeeper | Sacred Order and also Attack & Force
  • Rian the Conjurer | Dark Elves and also Support & Force
  • Rock Breaker | Dwarves and also Defense & Spirit
  • Rowan | Banner Lords and also Attack & Void
  • Sandlashed Survivor | Orcs and also Defense & Spirit
  • Seer | Orcs and also Support & Void
  • Seneschal | Banner Lords and also Defense & Force
  • Shatterbones | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Force
  • Sikara | Barbarians and also Support & Magic
  • Skytouched Shaman | Barbarians and also Support & Void
  • Souldrinker | Demonspawn and also Attack & Force
  • Spider | Dark Elves and also Support & Force
  • Tainix Hateflower | Demonspawn and also Support & Force
  • Teshada | Barbarians and also Defense & Force
  • Towering Titan | Ogryn Tribes and also Health & Void
  • Ultimate Galek | Orcs and also Attack & Magic
  • Umbral Enchantress | Demonspawn and also Defense & Void
  • Ursine Ironhide | Skinwalkers and also Defense & Force
  • Warcaster | Banner Lords and also Support & Void
  • Whisper | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Void
  • Zelotah | Undead Hordes and also Support & Spirit

Tier-C Epic Champions

  • Adriel | Sacred Order and also Support & Magic
  • Aina | Barbarians and also Attack & Magic
  • Akoth the Seared | Demonspawn and also Defense & Magic
  • Alika | Barbarians and also Attack & Force
  • Azure | Banner Lords and also Health & Void
  • Baroth the Bloodsoaked | Barbarians and also Health & Force
  • Basilisk | Lizardmen and also Attack & Force
  • Bergoth the Malformed | Knight Revenant and also Health & Spirit
  • Bonekeeper | Orcs and also Attack & Force
  • Broadmaw | Lizardmen and also Support & Void
  • Canoness | Sacred Order and also Defense & Magic
  • Catacomb Councilor | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Magic
  • Corpse Collector | Undead Hordes and also Support & Force
  • Deathless | Knight Revenant and also Defense & Spirit
  • Faceless | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Void
  • Flesh-Tearer | Skinwalkers and also Support & Magic
  • Frostbringer | Sacred Order and also Support & Magic
  • Gala Longbraids | Dwarves and also Attack & Void
  • Hexia | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Force
  • Knight-Errant | Banner Lords and also Attack & Spirit
  • Kytis | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Spirit
  • Lordly Legionary | Banner Lords and also Attack & Magic
  • Masked Fearmonger | Banner Lords and also SA
  • Occult Brawler | Ogryn Tribes and also Health & Spirit
  • Pitiless One | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Magic
  • Shaman | Orcs and also Support & Force
  • Snorting Thug | Skinwalkers and also Health & Force
  • Tallia | Sacred Order and also Attack & Magic
  • Torturehelm | Orcs and also Health & Force
  • Ursine Icecrusher | Skinwalkers and also Defense & Force
  • Valla | Barbarians and also Defense & Spirit
  • Yaga the Insatiable | Skinwalkers and also Attack & Force

Tier-F Epic Champions

  • Bushi | Sacred Order and also Attack & Spirit
  • Drake | Lizardmen and also Attack & Spirit
  • Jotun | Barbarians and also Health & Magic
  • Maeve | Barbarians and also Attack & Force
  • Missionary | Sacred Order and also Health & Force
  • Ripper | Skinwalkers and also Attack & Force
  • Suwai Firstborn | Barbarians and also Attack & Void
  • Taurus | Skinwalkers and also Attack & Magic
  • Terrorbeast | Orcs and also Health & Spirit
  • Woad-Painted | Barbarians and also Health & Spirit

3. Raid Shadow Legends Tier List – Rare Champions

Tier-S Rare Champions

  • Apothecary | High Elves and also Support & Magic
  • Athel | Sacred Order and also Attack & Magic
  • Coldheart | Dark Elves and also Attack & Void |Raid Shadow Legends Skill Mastery Equip Guide

Tier-A Rare Champions

  • Bellower | Ogryn Tribes and also Support & Void
  • Diabolist | Demonspawn and also Support & Magic
  • Dilgol | Dwarves and also Attack & Void
  • Doomscreech | Undead Hordes and also Health & Void
  • Elhain | High Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Fellhound | Demonspawn and also Defense & Void
  • Grappler | Skinwalkers and also Defense & Spirit
  • Kael | Dark Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Pain Keeper | Dark Elves and also Health & Void
  • Reliquary Tender | High Elves and also Support & Void
  • Seducer | Undead Hordes and also Defense & Void
  • Soulbond Bowyer | Barbarians and also Attack & Spirit
  • Spirithost | Dark Elves and also Support & Spirit
  • Warmaiden | Barbarians and also Attack & Force

Tier-B Rare Champions

  • Bogwalker | Lizardmen and also Defense & Force
  • Bone Knight | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Spirit
  • Chevalier | Banner Lords and also Defense & Void
  • Coffin Smasher | Knight Revenant and also Health & Magic
  • Conqueror | Banner Lords and also Attack & Spirit
  • Executioner | Knight Revenant and also Defense & Magic
  • Fleshmonger | Skinwalkers and also Attack & Magic
  • Furystoker | Ogryn Tribes and also Support & Spirit
  • Galek | Orcs and also Attack & Magic
  • Gator | Lizardmen and also Support & Magic
  • Graybeard | Skinwalkers and also Defense & Magic
  • Guardian | Knight Revenant and also Health & Spirit
  • Haruspex | Lizardmen and also Support & Void
  • Heiress | High Elves and also Attack & Force
  • Hexweaver | Dark Elves and also Support & Spirit
  • Marked | Barbarians and also Support & Magic
  • Marquis | Demonspawn and also Defense & Void
  • Metalshaper | Lizardmen and also Support & Spirit
  • Mother Superior | Sacred Order and also Support & Spirit
  • Penitent | Sacred Order and also Defense & Spirit
  • Runic Warder | Dwarves and also Health & Magic
  • Skirmisher | Barbarians and also Attack & Void
  • Templar | Sacred Order and also Defense & Spirit
  • Theurgist | Knight Revenant and also Support & Magic
  • Veteran | Orcs and also Defense & Void
  • Warpriest | Sacred Order and also Support & Spirit

Tier-C Rare Champions

  • Adjudicator | High Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Amarantine Skeleton | Undead Hordes and also Defense & Void
  • Anointed | Barbarians and also Support & Force
  • Arcanist | Knight Revenant and also Support & Force
  • Avenger | High Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Avir the Alchemage | Dwarves and also Support & Magic
  • Banshee | Undead Hordes and also Support & Magic
  • Berserker | Barbarians and also Attack & Spirit
  • Bloodbraid | Barbarians and also Health & Spirit
  • Bloodpainter | Skinwalkers and also Attack & Force
  • Bulwark | Dwarves and also Defense & Void
  • Channeler | Skinwalkers and also Support & Spirit
  • Chaplain | Sacred Order and also Support & Force
  • Chopper | Orcs and also Attack & Magic
  • Confessor | Sacred Order and also Attack & Void
  • Corpulent Cadaver | Undead Hordes and also Health & Spirit
  • Courtier | Banner Lords and also Attack & Force
  • Crimson Slayer | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Spirit
  • Cudgeler | Dwarves and also Attack & Magic
  • Daywalker | Knight Revenant and also Health & Void
  • Deathchanter | Orcs and also Health & Magic
  • Draconis | Sacred Order and also Health & Void
  • Drowned Bloatwraith | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Void
  • Dunestrider | Barbarians and also Attack & Magic
  • Elder | Barbarians and also Defense & Magic
  • Eviscerator | Dark Elves and also Attack & Void
  • Fencer | High Elves and also Attack & Force
  • Frozen Banshee | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Magic
  • Gladiator | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Force
  • Gnarlhorn | Skinwalkers and also Health & Spirit
  • Gravechill Killer | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Magic
  • Grinner | Undead Hordes and also Support & Force
  • Grumbler | Dwarves and also Health & Magic
  • Halberdier | Banner Lords and also Attack & Spirit
  • Harvester | Dark Elves and also Attack & Void
  • Hill Nomad | Barbarians and also Support & Magic
  • Hollow | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Void
  • Hurler | Lizardmen and also Attack & Force
  • Hyria | High Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Ifrit | Demonspawn and also Health & Void
  • Ironclad | Orcs and also Health & Force
  • Judge | Dark Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Lamellar | Sacred Order and also Health & Force
  • Magus | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Magic
  • Master Butcher | Dwarves and also Support & Spirit
  • Myrmidon | Banner Lords and also Defense & Magic
  • Mystic Hand | Dark Elves and also Support & Force
  • Ogryn Jailer | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Force
  • Pounder | Ogryn Tribes and also Defense & Magic
  • Preserver | Banner Lords and also Defense & Force
  • Raider | Orcs and also Attack & Spirit
  • Renegade | Knight Revenant and also Support & Void
  • Retainer | Dark Elves and also Defense & Void
  • Rocktooth | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Magic
  • Rotting Mage | Undead Hordes and also Support & Spirit
  • Sentinel | Barbarians and also Health & Force
  • Skink | Lizardmen and also Attack & Magic
  • Skullsworn | Lizardmen and also Attack & Force
  • Slither Brute | Lizardmen and also Attack & Magic
  • Sorceress | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Force
  • Stout Axeman | Dwarves and also Health & Magic
  • Temptress | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Magic
  • Valerie | Banner Lords and also Support & Magic
  • Vanguard | Banner Lords and also Defense & Void
  • Wagonbane | Ogryn Tribes and also Support & Magic
  • Wretch | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Force

Tier-F Rare Champions

  • Acolyte | Knight Revenant and also Support & Force
  • Arbalester | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Void
  • Beast Wrestler | Dwarves and also Attack & Force
  • Bloodhorn | Skinwalkers and also Health & Void
  • Bombardier | Banner Lords and also Attack & Force
  • Cataphract | Banner Lords and also Health & Spirit
  • Centurion | Knight Revenant and also Defense & Void
  • Crossbowman | Banner Lords and also Attack & Magic
  • Dolor Lorekeeper | Dwarves and also Support & Force
  • Flesheater | Ogryn Tribes and also Support & Spirit
  • Flinger | Lizardmen and also Attack & Spirit
  • Fortress Goon | Ogryn Tribes and also Defense & Magic
  • Ghoulish Ranger | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Spirit
  • Gloril Brutebane | Dwarves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Goremask | Orcs and also Attack & Force
  • Grandmaster | Banner Lords and also Health & Magic
  • Harrier | Sacred Order and also Attack & Void
  • Hatchet Slinger | Dwarves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Headsman | Sacred Order and also Attack & Spirit
  • Hellfang | Demonspawn and also Attack & Spirit
  • Honor Guard | Dwarves and also Defense & Force
  • Hospitaller | Sacred Order and also Support & Magic
  • Hound Spawn | Demonspawn and also Attack & Force
  • Huntress | Orcs and also Attack & Void
  • Interceptor | High Elves and also Defense & Void
  • Judicator | Sacred Order and also Attack & Spirit
  • Justiciar | Sacred Order and also Defense & Void
  • Madman | Dwarves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Magister | High Elves and also Support & Force
  • Magmablood | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Force
  • Maiden | Sacred Order and also Attack & Spirit
  • Malbranche | Demonspawn and also Attack & Void
  • Marquess | Demonspawn and also Defense & Spirit
  • Muckstalker | Lizardmen and also Health & Magic
  • Ox | Barbarians and also Attack & Void
  • Painsmith | Dwarves and also Attack & Void
  • Paragon | Dark Elves and also Defense & Void
  • Perforator | Dwarves and also Attack & Force
  • Purgator | Sacred Order and also Attack & Magic
  • Quaestor | Banner Lords and also Attack & Force
  • Ragemonger | Barbarians and also Attack & Void
  • Renouncer | Sacred Order and also Attack & Force
  • Ripperfist | Orcs and also Attack & Void
  • Sanctum Protector | Sacred Order and also Defense & Spirit
  • Siegebreaker | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Spirit
  • Slasher | Lizardmen and also Attack & Spirit
  • Slayer | Barbarians and also Attack & Force
  • Solaris | Sacred Order and also Attack & Force
  • Spikehead | Orcs and also Attack & Magic
  • Steadfast Marshal | Banner Lords and also Health & Void
  • Steel Bowyer | Dark Elves and also Attack & Force
  • Stitched Beast | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Void
  • Stoneskin | Ogryn Tribes and also Health & Void
  • Tormentor | Demonspawn and also Attack & Magic
  • Totem | Orcs and also Support & Spirit
  • Treefeller | Orcs and also Attack & Force
  • Twinclaw Disciple | Orcs and also Attack & Force
  • Wanderer | Dark Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Witness | Sacred Order and also Support & Magic
  • Wyvernbane | Orcs and also Attack & Spirit

4. Raid Shadow Legends Tier List – Uncommon Champions

Tier-S Uncommon Champions

  • Armiger | Sacred Order and also Defense & Spirit
  • Dhampir | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Spirit
  • Outlaw Monk | Sacred Order and also Attack & Force
  • Saurus | Lizardmen and also Attack & Spirit
  • Shieldguard | Barbarians and also Attack & Spirit
  • Skinner | Lizardmen and also Attack & Magic
  • Zephyr Sniper | Barbarians and also Defense & Spirit

Tier-A Uncommon Champions

  • Archer | Banner Lords and also Attack & Magic
  • Crusader | Sacred Order and also Attack & Force
  • Dervish | Barbarians and also Attack & Magic
  • Elf Guard | High Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Fireblade | Banner Lords and also Attack & Spirit
  • Ritualist | Barbarians and also Attack & Magic
  • Sergeant | Sacred Order and also Attack & Force
  • Skullsquire | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Force
  • Sniper | Dark Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Spiritwalker | Barbarians and also Support & Force
  • Vigilante | Sacred Order and also Health & Spirit

Tier-B Uncommon Champions

  • Aristocrat | High Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Commander | Banner Lords and also Support & Force
  • Duelist | Banner Lords and also Attack & Force
  • Herald | Knight Revenant and also Support & Spirit
  • Hungerer | Ogryn Tribes and also Health & Force
  • Militia | Sacred Order and also Attack & Spirit
  • Outlander | Barbarians and also Attack & Spirit
  • Outrider | Barbarians and also Attack & Spirit
  • Pilgrim | Sacred Order and also Support & Force
  • Satyr | Skinwalkers and also Health & Spirit
  • Skellag | Undead Hordes and also Defense & Force
  • Vulpine | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Force
  • Warchanter | Orcs and also Health & Magic
  • Windtalker | Skinwalkers and also Support & Magic
  • Word Bearer | Banner Lords and also Support & Magic

Tier-C Uncommon Champions

  • Battle Sister | Sacred Order and also Attack & Magic
  • Brute | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Magic
  • Chemist | Dwarves and also Attack & Magic
  • Crusher | Barbarians and also Defense & Spirit
  • Dead Crusader | Undead Hordes and also Defense & Force
  • Frontline Warrior | Banner Lords and also Defense & Spirit
  • Hardscale | Lizardmen and also Defense & Magic
  • Intercessor | Sacred Order and also Support & Force
  • Jaeger | High Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Line Infantry | Dwarves and also Defense & Force
  • Pit Fighter | Barbarians and also Health & Force
  • Pitspawn | Demonspawn and also Defense & Spirit
  • Redeemer | Dark Elves and also Attack & Force
  • Squire | Banner Lords and also Defense & Force
  • Stalwart | Banner Lords and also Health & Magic
  • Tunnel Steward | Dwarves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Vilespawn | Demonspawn and also Support & Spirit

Tier-F Uncommon Champions

  • Admonitor | Knight Revenant and also Health & Force
  • Cultist | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Force
  • Frostskin | Ogryn Tribes and also Support & Magic
  • Head Taker | Barbarians and also Attack & Magic
  • Heartpiercer | Dark Elves and also Attack & Force
  • Incubus | Demonspawn and also Attack & Force
  • Lemure | Demonspawn and also Health & Magic
  • Oldbeard | Ogryn Tribes and also Defense & Force
  • Pit Cur | Demonspawn and also Health & Force
  • Sharpshooter | Sacred Order and also Attack & Magic
  • Slicer | Dwarves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Stalker | Lizardmen and also Health & Magic
  • Thrasher | Ogryn Tribes and also Attack & Spirit
  • Throatcutter | Orcs and also Attack & Spirit
  • Tracker | Orcs and also Attack & Force

5. Raid Shadow Legends Tier List – Common Champions

Tier-S Common Champions

  • Death Hound | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Magic

Tier-A Common Champions

  • Sister Militant | Sacred Order and also Attack & Force
  • Yeoman | Sacred Order and also Attack & Magic

Tier-B Common Champions

  • Bandit | Banner Lords and also Attack & Spirit
  • Pikeman | Banner Lords and also Defense & Magic
  • Swordsman | Banner Lords and also Attack & Magic

Tier-C Common Champions

  • Deathknight | Undead Hordes and also Health & Magic
  • Lurker | Dark Elves and also Attack & Magic
  • Novitiate | Sacred Order and also Attack & Spirit

 Tier-F Common Champions

  • Axeman | Banner Lords and also Health & Force
  • Bully | Barbarians and also Defense & Spirit
  • Hellhound | Undead Hordes and also Attack & Spirit
  • Knecht | Sacred Order and also Defense & Spirit
  • Magekiller | Dark Elves and also Attack & Spirit
  • Preacher | Sacred Order and also Health & Force
  • Ranger | Dark Elves and also Attack & Force
  • Thrall | Knight Revenant and also Attack & Magic
  • Troglodyte | Lizardmen and also Defense & Spirit
  • Warboy | Orcs and also Defense & Magic

Who is The Best Character in Raid: Shadow Legends?

Arbiter is believed to be the best character that everyone is looking for. Arbiter is a Void affinity champion from the High Elves faction. She has a special ability to revive herself and this provides a great helping hand in combat matches.

We hope this list was helpful and satisfied your needs! If you have any sort of edits, or feedback, or any recommendations on our Raid: Shadow Legends Tier list, you are always welcome to tell them at the comment section below.


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